Trademark Application in Turkey

Etiket Intellectual Property is an authorized company for trademark application in Turkey. We proivide to our clients good prices since 2010. Etiket Intellectual Property files hundreds of foreign trademark applications in Turkey every year. 

Nowadays trade has become global. So, you have to be sure that your brand is protected in all the countries. 

Who can have a request an application in Turkey?

All citizens of all countries are entitled to have a trademark application and people or companies can have a trademark protection in Turkey. Because, this county is open for new brands and investments. Turkey has a great potential for international brands.  

In Turkey, “trademark use” is not required for trademark registration by Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.

If you have a company or you thinking to set up a job, you can register your trademark in Turkey. Every year, 120.000 trademark applications are filed to Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. Also, there are nearly 15.000 trademark applications by foreign people or companies in this country. It’s highly important to protect your brand in Turkey. 

All the operations are online for a trademark application and registration in Turkey. So it is a fast procedure to save your brand. 

Analysis Before of a Trademark Application

Etiket Intellectural Property detects your requirements for a true trademark protection. It’s enough that you give us your brand name and goods&services for a trademark registration ability. After than you will receive a trademark registration ability report for free. If the report is positive for a registration, Etiket Intellectual Property offers you to a quote. 

There is no contract before of you decide to file your trademark application. If you decide to protect your trademark, we will send you a contract and a proforma invoice. 

Trademark Application Procedure in Turkey

You can protect your trademark easily in Turkey. If you decide to save your trademark, it’s enough to send tour filing instructions to us. ( Logo, Company or Person information, payment receipt for application. )  After that, we will file your trademark application in same day and you will receive the official trademark application document. 

The period of application to registration is approximately 6 months. But, your trademark starts to be protected after filing the application. So you can block the similar or same applications filed by another people or companies. 

Trademark Application Requirements in Turkey

The requirements for a trademark registration in Turkey in below:

     -The logo for marks with logo or mark name for word marks
     -Information of the applicant ( Trade License Certificate Copy )
     -Goods and services about trademark ( You can ask the class/es to us for free )
     -Payment receipt ( After you send the fees to us, the payment comes to us nearly in 2-4 business days. But, we don’t wait payment arrives us for filing the application because of priority. So, it’s enough to send the receipt us.  )

Trademark Application Fees in Turkey

Etiket Intellectual Property offers you the best prices for a trademark application and registration in Turkey. Because, we are based in Turkey, our team is professionalized about intellectual property rights and we are providing our clients since 2010. 

Our all offers includes official fees, attorney fees, translations, shipment and taxes. 

For filing one class trademark application in Turkey costs 280-USD only.

Each additional class price is 95-USD only. 

We guarantee that no secret fees in our offers. 

Detailed Schedule of Fees

Our Professional Service Details

You can have a free information of any subject about trademark from us. Trademark Search is one of a free and efficient service of Etiket Intellectual Property. 

We only bill for application, registration or opposition cases to you. So, you don’t take an invoice about professional information, translation, taxes and shipment. Our professional services are all clear to our clients. 


Ask Us or Take a Free Quote for Trademark Application

You will receive a “free” quote about your request in a few hours.



    For your the other questions about intellectual property in Turkey, contact us.

    Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.