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Trademark Registration in Türkiye

Etiket IP is an authorized company for trademark registration in Türkiye. We are providing our valued clients since 2010. We have a certified trademark attorneys team. Etiket is one of the most recommended intellectual property firm in Türkiye. 

Every year, we apply hundreds of trademarks for our valued international clients. We work hard to give quality and fast service with best price!

trademark in turkey best price

Trademark Application in Türkiye


Registration (Final) Fee


Each Additional Class


Our prices includes all fees: official fees, attorney fees, translation, taxes and shipment!

No secret fees.

Learn More

What is a trademark?

A trademark differentiates the products which a company manufactures or markets, or provides services from others. Therefore the trademark is a strategical source for a company. It does not only provide the differentiation from other trademarks. Trademarks also generates a channel of communication for the clients. This channel of communications is a more important asset than active and passive assets of the company. So, the owners must register, use, manage and defend the trademarks.

Names and surnames, words, letters, numbers, devices can be registered. Thus, Etiket IP provides services to register, follow and protect the trademarks of clients.


Trademark Registration Process in Türkiye

There is a short process after the trademark application:

  • Trademark examination by the Office. ( 1-3 months )
  • Publication in the Official Trademark Bulletin. ( 2 months )
  • Trademark registration certificate. ( 2 months )

A smooth registration process takes between 4-7 months in Türkiye.

Please kindly note that your trademark’s protection starts with the application.


Trademark Search

Trademark must be searched before of the application. Because, it is important to prevent the possible refusal because of similar registrations before. So, we prepare a free search report for your trademark registration possibility.



Trademark registration is based on the Nice Classification in Türkiye. When applying for a trademark, special goods or services may be included in the relevant class.

Trademark application must be filed in true classes. It is a very important matter. We analyze the classification before of filing.

You can request us for a free analyze report.


Requirements for a Trademark Registration

“Trademark use” is not required for registration in Türkiye.

The requirements for a trademark registration in below:

  • Logo or trademark name.
  • Information of the applicant. (Name, address, phone number and email address.)
  • Goods and services about trademark. ( You can ask the classification to us for free. )
  • Payment receipt.


Power Of Attorney (PoA) is not required

PoA is not required for a trademark registration in Türkiye. Because, certified trademark attorneys can apply trademark without PoA according to Industrial Property Law No 6769.

But, when deemed necessary, Office may request the submit of the original PoA evidencing the authority of the attorney.


Trademark Monitoring

Trademark must be in control after the registration. Because there can be similar trademark applications which applied by other people or companies.

Our Trademark Monitoring Service detects the applications which is similar to your registered trademark. So, you may have a chance to block the similar application with an opposition.

There are nearly 200.000 trademark applications in Türkiye every year.


Trademark Renewal in Türkiye

If a trademark is registered in Türkiye, it will be protected for 10 years. And, the renewal time starts 6 months before of the deadline of registration ends. Therefore, renewal time must be carefully followed by a trademark attorney. Trademark renewal must be made in time.

The trademark renewal is an easy procedure in Türkiye. It is enough to fees paid for renewal.

Trademark registration is renewable every 10 years.


Potential Refusal or Opposition in the Registration Process

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office Refusals

After the trademark application, The Office will examine the trademark.

Industrial Property Law No. 6769 Article 5/1 (ç): “An application for trademark registration shall be refused upon opposition if there exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public, including the likelihood of association with the earlier trademark, due to identity with, or similarity to, the earlier trademark and the identity or similarity of the goods or services covered.”

The Office may refuse the trademark application. But there is a chance of applicant to give response for the refusal decision of the Office in two months. Thus, Etiket IP analyzes the case and prepares a response against refusal.

Our success rate of trademark registration without a refusal decision is 94%.

Third Party Opposition to Trademark Application

If the application is confirmed by Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, the trademark will be published in Trademark Bulletin for 2 months. Third parties can oppose to your trademark application. Likewise, it’s important to give a response against opposition.

If you have a WIPO trademark application, WIPO does not send a notification about incoming third party opposition. So, it is hard to follow this matter. Therefore, it’s offered that you also should work with us. We can follow your trademark’s registration process closely.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: I have not a company in Türkiye. Can i register a trademark?

A: Yes.

Q: I have a company in the other country. Can i register a trademark in Türkiye?

A: Yes.

Q: My company and trademark names are different. Can i register both of these names?

A: Yes.

Q: I have a small trade with a Turkish company. Do i need a registration?

A: Yes. If you have a trade in Türkiye, you must register the trademark.

Q: I have a supplier in Türkiye. They produce goods for me with my brand. Do i need a registration?

A: Yes. To protect your trademark rights, you have to register.

Q: I have a seller for my goods in Türkiye. Do i need a registration?

A: Yes. Registration is highly advised. Because the seller can register your trademark in his/her name.

Q: Will i pay more fees for a registration with color?

A: No. There is no price differences between black-white and color logo. So, you can register the brand with color.

Q: I have a trademark with logo. Do i need a registration both of my trademark name and logo?

A: It’s advised to register both of them. Also, you can register both of them in a same application.


Ask a Free Quote for Trademark Registration in Türkiye

You will receive a “free” quote about your request in a few hours.


    Do you have a business in Türkiye or developing business with a Turkish company? Let’s protect your trademark in Türkiye.

    You can check your “trademark name” at the official website of Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. But, for a professional detailed free report, you may choose to contact us.