trademark watch turkey
Trademark Watch Service
8 March 2017
patent registration turkey
Patent Registration
4 January 2017

Industrial Design Registration

Creating new “catchy” designs is pivotal to business success and protecting those designs through successful registration is equally important in order to prevent others from infringing design rights, in a quicker, easier and cost effective way. Here, industrial design registration in Turkey becomes an important subject about intellectual property rights.

In case a product to be designed is completely new or has a unique and new part, it may be the subject of a design registration. The designer secures the rights coming from design registration as a result of the creative and innovative efforts. The attorneys in Etiket Patent are experts on industrial design registration in Turkey and in other countries.

Etiket Patent provides services to register, follow and protect the design registration of its clients.


  • Design Search
  • Application
  • Design Watch Service
  • Process Management
  • National and international industrial design registration
  • Objection, transfer, license, address and kind, other procedures related with the right of registration.


All the services for the companies/individuals having a registered design or planning to register a design in Turkey or in another country are presented by Etiket Patent in Turkey and the solution partners in other countries.

You can control your industrial design registration availability at the official website of Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.

Ask a Free Quote for Desing / Design Patent Registration in Türkiye

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